Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A new teenage magazine with the target Essay Example for Free

A new teenage magazine with the target Essay The brief was to produce a new teenage magazine with the target audiences of either or both male or female within the target range of 13 to 19 years old. In the process of the production we could working in groups or individually. Working in a group of three produce front page and a double page spread article for the new magazine. In the production each member of the group need to have a minimum of three original pictures. Before staring the production i made a project schedule to with deadline for each sections of the production. To fulfil the brief i started researching similar text. It would best suit me to produce a magazine for male audience hence researched magazines complementing boys titles such as TOPGEAR, EVO and MAX POWER. The mise en scene and the conventions of all these magazines had resemblance regards to the design, layout. For example the magazine names where all in bold fonts with use of strong colours representing stereotypical macho man characteristics. Technical codes such as the high angle shots used to denote the power of the cars. All the magazines included vast number of images that consist of Mid shots, Mid Close Up and Mid Long shots of the cars facing the magazine to grab the attention of the readers so that they wont be bored of reading a long article. The researches into similar text help me to decide some important aspects of the magazine. I carried out a questionnaire and interviews. the questionnaire was give to both males and females. I found that there was a demand for teenage car magazine in the market but my foundings showed that females didnt have much of interest in cars. The males where asked if they would or wont buy the magazine the majority said they would if the magazines contented more of their interests of sex and cars. Whereas females lacked interest. in the questionnaire the done most participants were interested customising their cars. And that they find the cost of insurance and fuel to high some when considering to sale their cars. I have chosen my target audience to be male so both of the interviewee i interviewed where males between 16-19 drives. From this i would be able observe the interests and the difficulty first hand. To meet the demand of the targeted audience i have decided to have an article on ways to get cheaper and more affordable insurance. The format that I have decided to adopt is similar to the one of the other Car magazines and as this I found from the interview was preferable by my target audience. I have chosen the name TOPSPEED which follows the stereotype that most male readers want fast cars and babes. I would be reviewing a car that relates to target audience cars that has small engine and cheaper insurance category so that student can financially afford to drive it. The planning involved a subject matter research where the main research was done for Ford Fiesta ST in areas like car specification and its stability for young drives using i cold write up the double page spared article. The other area i researched was for student car insurance. This could be used to write up a mini article to help and give advice for getting cheap car insurance. I had never used Photoshop before so the whole process was an opportunity to learn new skill. I got some practise on Photoshop and Publisher before i started the final production. The technical skills that we practised in class include lighting. Regarding lighting, it can be used to create a particular mood. I started off by brainstorming me ideas. Finally deciding on car giving information and review car of a car that is affordable to teenagers as my target market will be more interested in rather than an expensive car that they may have trouble affording. I had descried to review the new Ford Fiesta ST because this would perfectly for my targeted audience since it had a small engine which uses less fuel plus it had i low insurance category meaning lower insurance premium. The Ford Fiesta ST was the sport version denoting speed and boy racers. Regards the design Ford was a very good looking Supermini which would easily grab the attention of the targeted audience. Analyzing the questionnaire cost of insurance was other area where young drivers had difficulties so i had decided to add tip to get cheap insurance. I write up a draft article using the information from the research which i will later improve for a magazine standard. Use this i experiment different layout for front cover and the double page spread and the use of font size different colours so that i had clear idea what work and what doesnt in a car magazine plus this help with how i want to take the pictures. I experimented with different typeface for the magazine name with different fonts colours and size to see which suits best for the front cover. Before the photo shoot i had to have a miscellaneous paperwork and productions design which includes the location of the shoot which is in Edgware i wont do any alteration to set design which is the car showroom. The showroom will have a good lighting so there is no need for me to arrange any sort of lighting for the shoot. I could have different action for the cars open doors or turn the wheel sideways will show the wheels properly and give the car character. The miscellaneous paperwork need to be done for risks assessment, equipment book forms, access permission and call sheets to be taken to the shoot location signed and dated by the person give the permission to take the photos The photo shoot was hard to arrange I called up several Ford dealerships to organise a photo shoot but only a couple of the dealership agreed to let me take pictures in there showrooms. The space around the car was limited for that reason most of the pictures i took was close up shoot or mid shoots i wasnt able to get any long shoot which would have helped show all the outer features of the car. The showroom had too much light i couldnt take some of the photos that i wanted. The car was parked in way that i could get pictures from back of the car. I wanted to take close up pictures of the speed-o-meter of the car but the staring wheel came was obstruction which i couldnt get clear picture. The staring wheel was locked which meant i couldnt turn the wheel sideways which is a convention in must car magazines. I didnt want the background of the photos i took using Photoshop i cut them out with the Magic wand tool and using the smudge tool smoothen the edges. I did this with most of the photos i wanted to use in the production. i decides to use black background for the red car. This is because the colour of the car would stand out and it strong male on your face colours. When i placed the photos on the cover page over a black background you could still see the ragged edges around the car. To solve this problem i added drop back shadow which covered the edges. I decided to use all caps and with modern but simple bold fonts in white colour that would stand out with black background. I downloaded a font from internet that you could make barcode with it this way i could customize the barcode specifically for my magazine. Inside the magazine for the main headings i used the same fonts as i had on the front cover. Experimenting with the layout I found one that would suit the best for the double page article. I divided the columns into equal sizes with little gaps between to make it easy to read. I give white border around the all the pictures used in the double page spared and place them on top of each other to give it a nice effect. When i improved my draft article and paste it into the columns of the double page spread using auto flow the article was too long and didnt fit into the area i wanted it. I thought that teens would be bored to read a long article so i decided to shorten it. I decided to have a different colour background for the mini article about insurance.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Little Brother Music :: essays research papers

Little Brother: The Listening Describing this CD in three words would be personal, stylish, and free. Not â€Å"free† like it comes with your purchase of fifty dollars or more at Best Buy but â€Å"free† as in no boundaries or limitations. When I first put this album in my CD player and pressed play I was completely entranced by the sounds that followed. That was back in 2003 and still to this day you might catch me blasting songs in the morning or humming their tunes to sleep at night. If I try to put my finger on why this ONE album can last so long with a person as picky with music as me it would come down to how well the two rappers, Phonte and Big Pooh, convey every aspect of their lives into their lyrics. Not only can they describe fully the pressures of having a growing family and a low paying job, but also let loose stories about groupie love, haters getting put in their place, and partying until daybreak; all this with clever wordplay that puts them in a class of their own! I wouldn’t call them underground hip-hop because they don’t make a conscious effort to be different. They’re not considered mainstream because their focus isn’t just on making music to be rich. They’re just an alternative, and it is refreshing to hear someone strive to be the best at what they do artistically, not by how well they can market themselves. At a business level, we all know the importance the actual beat plays with finicky listeners. Even the songs with sub-par lyrics and rhyme schemes can still become a hit when a famous producer is behind the scenes. Luckily, production is another criteria Little Brother controls so well. Their producer, and third member of the group, is named 9th Wonder for more than just the cool moniker: he represents his own unique sound not yet overused and exploited by the masses. With a pension for taking old school samples and churning out beats unbelievably hypnotic and hard-hitting, 9th lays the backdrop perfectly for each a nd every bit of musical art on Little Brothers’ first major release. Taking a different direction than sampling producers like Kanye West and Just Blaze, he has been steadily gaining fame ever since he produced the song â€Å"Threats† on Jay-Z’s final record, â€Å"The Black Album†. Because

Monday, January 13, 2020

Lincoln Electric Essay

Lincoln Electric’s CEO Massaro was correct in his assessment that, markets in developing countries would grow faster and yield a higher return. This strategy was critical and in alignment with the organization’s goal to reach 50% foreign sales revenue. As president of Lincoln Asia, Mike Gillespie faces a great challenge with his decision to enter the Indonesian market. If Mr. Gillespie does decide to enter Indonesia, he must also decide whether to do it alone or through a joint venture, and how to structure employee compensation. It looks like Gillespie conducted enough corporate anthropology research to identify viable consumer product needs that Lincoln Electric will be able to provide (stick consumables vs. automatic consumables segments). I understand that investing in Indonesia offers many benefits to the organization, mostly towards increased profit margins and market share of consumable products (for further information regarding the strategic planning for entering Indonesia see Exhibit 1). However, in my opinion, Gillespie does not have enough data to make an informed decision regarding this move. Fear of a rekindled Civil War, unstable inflation rates, and other activities in the country revealed both economic and political instability. Other issues to be considered include labor issues of Indonesia 1. I would recommend further market and cultural analysis to aid his decision-making. If Gillespie decides to enter Indonesia, it is my recommendation to enter with a partner. I support this recommendation because, through his own market analysis and consultation it was identified that due to the political structure a local partner with in-depth knowledge, and political connections would be essential for success. I understand that a joint venture will decrease Lincoln Electric’s profit margins, but in my opinion, the joint venture will minimize investment risk, especially if a partner is able to provide capital towards the cost of building a facility. Gillespie’s choice in partners should be based off of a predefined set of criteria. These criteria should include current relations/contracts with Lincoln Electric, current market share, knowledge of local market and culture, political and business contacts. The partner should also have the ability to withstand any financial risk toward this investment. See table 2 for a breakdown of both potential partners and how they compare to the criteria. I would recommend a joint venture with both companies (Tira and SSHJ). The reason for this recommendation is due to the diverse benefits, which both companies can bring to the venture. However, I have concerns regarding the loyalty of either partner to the Lincoln Electric brand. If we apply the social exchange theory to this situation, one could speculate that when more than one partner is included in a business relationship, the loyalty of each business partner may decreases due to competition and fear of favoritism 2. It is Gillespie’s intention to implement a piecework compensation structure and I support this decision. It is also the intent of Lincoln Electric to exceed minimum wage requirements and prevailing rates. Gillespie has concerns regarding the ability for all employees to meet minimum wage using piecework compensation. It is my recommendation to set the minimum daily quota at the minimum wage rate. I would also implement an aggressive performance bonus paying out monthly vs. annual. I would highly recommend further cultural analysis with a focus on time perceptions and labor perceptions of the local culture. The compensation structure should be adjusted as time goes on and favorable trends in compensation are identified.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Identity Theft Targeting Towards College Students

Running head: IDENTITY THEFT 1 Identity Theft: Targeted Towards College Students Lawren Linehan University of Nevada, Las Vegas IDENTITY THEFT 2 Abstract Identity theft is a prevalent issue in society, especially amongst college students. College students are often considered easy targets because of their lack of knowledge on the issue, risky behavior, and excessive use of social media and the Internet. There are multiple ways that identity theft can occur. The average citizen doesn’t easily recognize some of these ways. This white-collar crime is extremely common and affects a large number of people each year. Education on this topic can help college students recognize the†¦show more content†¦1). College students are at an increased risk of identity theft because our educational system fails to teach personal finance. Collegians participate in risky transactions, are carefree with their personal information, are uneducated about how identity theft occurs, and know little about its ramifications. How Identity Theft Happens Stealing an identity is becoming increasingly easy due to technological advancements, but this crime does still happen using traditional methods. People don’t even think about identity theft until it’s usually too late. With the proper education, most ID theft cases can be prevented, but the methods of how it occurs need to be understood first. Personal information is frequently obtained from social media sites and online purchases. A study done by the University of Missouri-Columbia concluded that almost 30% of college students can’t identify a secure website (Norum Weagley, 2006, p. 54). For presumably being the most tech savvy generation, that statistic is shockingly high. Not being able to recognize a secure site from an unsecure one increases the risk of having credit card numbers, names, and addresses stolen while making online transactions. IDENTITY THEFT 4 Phishing is another common form of theft. Phishing is when someone uses a technique such as keystroke logging or fake