Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thick Face, Black Heart Essay example - 625 Words

Thick Face, Black Heart The power of Thick Face, Black Heart is your inner strength and the natural state of your true self, where perfect joy, clarity, courage, and compassion are an inseparable part of you. The Thick Face is for showing no fear or wavering from the path and the Black Heart is the emotional strength that drives you forward to complete the goal even when the going gets tough. For me, that perfect harmony of everything is when I make and play my music live. Though I have started to play many shows, my goal is to become a professional touring musician and DJ. In order to reach my goal, I must use two very important ideas from Thick Face, Black Heart: winning through negative thinking and the magical power of endurance.†¦show more content†¦If I were to be in the DJ booth thinking about how I messed up the same song transition last night, chances are that I’m going to overthink it and mess up again. Even worse, before I even started booking shows, many o f the venues wouldn’t let me play because they didn’t think I was good enough. Using the power of endurance I kept trying and trying and finally they saw how strong my perseverance was and started booking me for shows. The most important thing is to endure by enduring: understanding the difficulties, enduring the hardships, predicting the risks, and tolerating the abuse, all ensure fame and success for such a person. What makes one truly great is knowing how to tolerate the intolerable and how to endure the unendurable. â€Å"Everyone knows how to thrive in the good times. It is the trying times that separate the one who has substance from the one who merely possesses the image† (Chu 141). Thick Face, Black Heart is the secret law of nature that governs successful behavior in every aspect of one’s life. Often we are so concerned with what makes us feel good that we forget what makes us great. Not dwelling on the negatives and turning that determination and drive around into positive action is a great virtue to have. Also, understanding how to surmount pain, doubt, and failure is an important aspect of the game of winning atShow MoreRelatedThick Face Black Heart Summary858 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Thick Face, Black Heart is the secret law of nature that governs * successful behavior in every aspect of one’s life.† This is the main point that Chin-Ning Chu tries to make through this chapter and it is the underlying point for her entire book. Thick Face Black Heart is a saying that means you are not worried about criticism from others and you are willing to focus on your goal and ignore the costs of achieving your goal. To put it in the authors own words thick face is theRead MoreThe Dark Side Of The Black Rimmed Clock1303 Words   |  6 Pagesabsentmindedly watched as students entered small rooms with distressed emotions plastered on their anxious faces. 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